10 noiembrie 2011 – Lisa Hannigan – Lille

De Folkblog la data November 10, 2011   in Rubrica PIESA ZILEI

Bună dimineaţa! Azi vă invit să ascultaţi o mostră de  folk de peste hotare, un cântec interpretat de Lisa Hannigan.

Pe tânăra artistă irlandeză aţi mai întâlnit-o la noi alături de Damien Rice în trupa căruia şi-a început cariera muzicală, în anul 2001.

Lisa a debutat solo în 2008 cu albumul “Sea Sew”, material ce s-a bucurat de succes şi aprecieri pozitive din partea criticii de specialiate. Acestui disc i-a urmat “Passanger”, lansat pe piaţă de curând.

“Lille” aparţine primului album marca Lisa Hannigan. Muzica şi versurile îi aparţin interpretei.

He went to see for a day,
He wanted to know what to say
when he’s asked what he’d done
in the past to someone
that he loved endlessly,
now she’s gone, and so is he.

I went to war every morning
I lost my way, but now I’m following
what you said in my arms,
what i read in the charms
that i loved durably,
now it’s dead and gone, and i am free.

I went to sleep for the daytime,
I shut my eyes to the sunshine,
turned my head away from the noise,
bruise and drip decay of childish toys
that i love arguably,
all our labouring gone to seed.

We went out to play for the evening
and wanted to hold on to the feeling
and the stretch in the sun
and the breathlessness as we run
to the beach endlessly
as the sun creeps up on the sea.

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